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Winter Talks Programme, Oct 2024 to Apr 2025

We now have the list of next season’s Winter Talks which will take place on the first Thursday of the month until 3 April 2025; refreshments afterwards.

The talks are free, but a donation to Dr Neil’s Garden would be welcomed.

Thursday 6 Feb 2025, "From Our Archive: Portobello" by Margaret Munro

The talk features archive photographs, including buildings and people from Portobello over the last 100 years or so.

Thursday 6 Mar 2025, "Delve into Scottish Plant Lore" by Greg Kenicer

From the practical to the fantastical, people have used plants in myriad  ways through the ages in Scotland. This talk investigates some of these uses and practices – the patterns, connections to other cultures and some of the unique (and sometimes weird) ways plants and people have worked together.

Thursday 3 Apr 2025, "Whither nature?" by Roger Crofts

In  this, hopefully thought-provoking, talk Roger asks his listeners what  is nature to you, describes what is happening around the world and in Scotland, asks who is in charge and suggests what needs to be done.

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