Our local magazine “Duddingston Direct” is generously offering a donation of up to £2,500 to a local charity. 13 charities have been nominated for this and we are delighted that Dr Neil’s Garden is on of them. Its no up to the general public to vote for who they want to win.
Its been a very hard time for all charities this past year, no less for ours. Without any of our fund raising events since 2019 its been a seriously worrying time for the garden which relies completely on the generosity of donations to pay our part time gardener and keep the garden open.
If you would like to help, you can by voting for Dr Neil’s Garden in this competition. Simply email to address below, placing your vole for Dr Neil’s Garden, and asking your friends to do the same.
Or post to: Christopher Cowdy, 49 Warrender Park Road, EH9 1EU”
Many thanks.